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Case Study
August 15, 2024

Top Three Ways MSPs Give Us the Heebie-Jeebies

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Did your MSP promise the world but leave you with rubble?

There's no reason to put up with poor service from your MSP. For over 25 years, Seabeck Systems has helped SMEs worldwide get unstuck from their relationship with a subpar Managed Service Provider. Take control today and ensure you're getting the service you deserve.

After decades of dealing with countless MSPs, here are our top ways they drive us crazy, and the steps you can take right now to turn things around, regain control, and ensure your MSP provides a level of service consistent with how much you're paying for it.

Problem #1: Junior-League Talent (for Senior-Level Tech)

Do you suspect your MSP is sending junior staff to manage your infrastructure? Then your MSP doesn't have your best interest at heart. This isn't about providing better service; it's about padding their margins. Meanwhile, you're left with entry-level solutions that only multiply your business challenges—which translates into more revenue for the MSP.

The Solution: Verify Personnel & Skills

Never be shy when the success of your business is on the line. It's perfectly reasonable to inquire about—and establish minimum qualifications for—the folks servicing your organization. Look at resumes. Make it clear who's responsible for what. Ask tough questions about their skills and experience. And get to know them personally—your MSP should be more than just a service provider. They should be your partner.

Seabeck Systems helps you define the skill sets and role requirements you expect from your MSP to ensure you achieve the results your organization deserves.

Problem #2: Senior-Level Prices (for Junior-League Talent)

We're guessing your MSP sold you on a "blended rate." At the time, it sounded like a sweet deal. They may even have assigned you a dedicated account manager. But behind the scenes are Junior Techs checking boxes on critical issues and projects. Not exactly the dedicated expertise you were promised...

The Solution: Establish Expectations & Requirements

Take control of your architecture by defining the desired outcome. Start by detailing what you need done and your plan to accomplish it. Confirm with your MSP which items they're able to help you with. Have your MSP document how they will help you meet each specific goal—and which specific team members will be assigned to work on them.

Never compromise when it comes to your business needs. Establish specific business-outcome goals, adopt a feedback tool, and define the consequences of failing to deliver. Insist on regular, frequent status reports that begin early-on in the process and contain real data that quantifies their progress. Don't be fooled by weekly PDF status reports that look pretty but are filled with fluff. Trust your gut. If you get a funny feeling, follow up.

Problem #3: Point-to-Point Patches

Rather than building a robust, scalable infrastructure, your MSP is simply slapping on temporary fixes. The evidence? The massive backlog of issues that never seems to get any shorter. We've seen it time and time again when clients finally drop their vendor and come to us for help—an endless pile of open tickets that's leeching not only their budget, but also the time and energy of the team.

Worse yet, today's quick band-aids are tomorrow's big headaches. Your MSP will likely pitch fixes for the issues they created, or only half-solved—on your dime, naturally. But let's face it, if your MSP are the ones who caused the issue, how much faith should you have in their costly solutions?

The Solution: Expert 3rd-Party Assessment

If all else fails, it might be time to bring in your consul. Consider hiring a reputable, experienced firm like Seabeck Systems to help you navigate your MSP relationship. Seabeck Systems is your trusted partner: we'll help blueprint your business and plan your technical architectures, edify your team on best practices, serve as your advocate in every interaction with your MSP, and help you boost efficiency and profits by managing your infrastructure internally.

Let Seabeck Systems independently assess your MSP's performance, quality-check their crew, and give you candid advice. The cost is negligible compared to a lifetime contract with an MSP that can't deliver. It may just be the best investment your company will make all year. And even if you've already signed with an MSP and now have buyer's remorse, don't worry. We can still turn things around.

The Final Word

Seabeck Systems ensures your MSP isn't draining you dry while taking on more than they can handle. For over 25 years, we've empowered clients to extract greater value from their MSPs and internal teams and enabled newfound levels of business success by providing strategic planning, change management, cybersecurity, and infrastructure modernization services custom-tailored to each organization. Your organization should be next.

Stop settling and start transforming. Reach out to the folks at Seabeck today.

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